

Event - The new era - Digital Co-working

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Do you want your business to be independent of physical location? Do you spend too much time on unnecessary processes? How to keep the information and communication fluid? Carl-Fredrik Morander, founder of the Swedish startup Cooach will guide us through what Digital Co-working is and how the companies can get more agile. We will also look at an example of how accounting of a Spanish SL can be digitalized. We will also have the opportunity to get a practical example with Marcus Prakt, CEO at Quartiers Properties, as a success case, giving an insight into what it is like to operate a business in the shadow of COVID-19.

After the two presentations, we will have the opportunity to make questions about the technology and how to implement Digital Co-working in our company. The session is led by Anna Fransson, MD at Swedish-Spanish Chamber of Commerce and will be held in English.


carl fredrik

CARL-FREDRIK MORANDER has 25 years of   experience from providing professional services.The last seven years Carl-Fredrik has devoted to the digitalization of professional services and the impact it will have on the industry.


markus prakt 

MARCUS JOHANSSON PRAKT became CEO in 2018 of Quartiers Properties and was previously CFO, since 2017.
His main tasks include leading the development of the company's short- and long-term strategy and creating and implementing the company's vision and mission.


Cooach was founded in 2017 with the business idea to develop and provide business services for the digital offices of the future. In 2018, the first digital co-worker, Cooachbot, was developed. Cooachbot, together with experts and back office, handles repetitive tasks in finance, HR, and IT-support. Due to the pandemic, the expansion of teleworking in digital offices has exploded, and Cooach now stands in front of an exciting growth journey.

Quartiers Properties is a Swedish-owned real estate company listed on Nasdaq First North in Stockholm. The company's operation is geographically concentrated to Spain. Quartiers mainly invests in hotels and residences aimed towards an international target group with strong purchasing power.

21 January at 09:30
Zoom webinar (in English)

