Award 2017 GIROD

The Community of Madrid has honored Girod Projects as the region’s best geothermal installations of the year. The projects recognized by the regional government for the 8th edition of the geothermal installation awards included a student residence in Pozuelo de Alarcón, by Girod.

Read full story article about awarded installation

The jury praised both projects for their contributions to energy savings and efficiency. They also recognized their originality and creativity, the potential application of the installed systems to future technological changes at a reduced cost, the far-reaching integration of the systems and their great social impact.

Madrid becomes greener

Currently, almost all of the Community of Madrid’s energy provision is based on a very high external dependence on converted energy. Hence the proposal that power output-guaranteed generation should be increased in the region by making use of the area’s own renewable resources and by encouraging energy saving and efficiency.

Promoting energy efficiency and using renewable energy helps to show people the potential for using and obtaining energy sustainably. Suggesting ways of using energy more responsibly reduces the environmental impact of power generation and thus improves our surroundings. For years now, Madrid used informative programs and schemes to steadily increase awareness of the need to save energy and use it efficiently.

On the Community of Madrid’s Day of Recognition of Iconic Energy Efficiency Projects, the winning projects will be named and honored in the latest round of the awards for the best home and building automation installations, as well as those for the best geothermal installations in Madrid’s residential and industrial sectors.

About Girod Geotermia

Girod Geotermia is the distributor of Thermia products and systems in Spain. The company has completed over 700 installations since 2007 in all types of climates and terrains across the Spanish peninsula. Girod Geotermia designs the best solution for houses or commercial properties based on Thermia’s comprehensive range of heat pumps. These include vertical or horizontal ground source heat pumps as well as air-to-water solutions. All Thermia systems provide heat, cooling and hot water in the most efficient way.

Through a network of certified installers, Girod Geotermia has successfully completed geothermal installations from 6 kW for small houses up to office buildings with more than 350 kW. You can read more about Thermia projects in Spain and the awards received for best installation in Spain at

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