business sweden

Business Sweden in Madrid is located in the city centre and today employs 8 people. Together with the office in Lisbon, adding another three persons, we form the Iberia hub. An important part of our business is to support Swedish small and medium-sized companies in reaching their export markets with their products and services so that they can grow internationally. The support consists of advisory services, skills development for companies, events, and targeted campaigns.

As an Associate with Business Sweden you will support our clients in their international business development. You will work in project teams, alongside our experienced consultants and project managers. Duties include basic information about the market to broader support in terms of market information, start-up and market analysis, partner/client searches, as well as helping with more specific tasks such as the arrangement and facilitation of business meetings and other support to our clients. In addition, you will answer questions from clients and will be involved in marketing and promoting prioritized industrial sectors. You will interact with many stakeholders ranging from clients, governmental agencies, colleagues and team members. As an Associate you work and live on site in the country you are positioned. You report to the Trade Commissioner and work as a part of the consultancy team.

For more information about the position, click here.

