Finca Solmark Martin Wettergren

Finca Solmark entrevista a Martin Wettergren

He is the Founder of Soultech, Marbella Tech Hub, Agapi Boat Sharing Marbella, Mediapilot, Whispr, Caterbee, Movesta, Solvthis, and Beaubi, among others.
Entrepreneur by nature, he founded Mediapilot in 2006 after finishing University. Mediapilot is a media analysis company focused on actionable insights for over 100 global relevant brands such as Coca Cola or McDonald’s.

After seven years he decided to take a break and travelled around the world looking for sustainable entrepreneurship and to get some perspective on things. This decision led him to, among other things, start up Klout as his first market outside of USA.

Mediapilot have now merged with New York based Whispr Group, a digital strategy and intelligence company in the big data sphere. He sold his shares Whispr 2018 and he is since then active as a startup advisor, as well as starting up new ventures.

He is always looking to meet similar professionals with interest in start-ups, tech, mindfulness, foodtech, sustainability and circular business which are his biggest passions.

Read the complete interview here:

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