Succesiones madrid 30maj

Which law will govern your succession?

According to the European Commission, about 10% of the successions that occur every year within the European Union have an international dimension. To ensure legal security, the European Union has approved the new European Regulation on successions raising a number of questions from foreign citizens living in Spain.

Can a resident of the European Union make a will of their properties located in Spain? What if a resident of the European Union have properties both in Spain and the country of origin? What if you pass away being a Spanish citizen but your will was drawn up in the country of origin?

09:30 Invigning
Nieves Villar - Ordförande Handelskammaren Belgien och Luxemburg
Anders Brundin - Ordförande Svensk-Spanska Handelskammaren

09:40 Applicable law on successions: New EU regulation
Iñaki Planas - Of counsel of Olleros Abogados/Andersen

10:10 Cross-border successions: Tax regulation to avoid double taxation
Miguel Ángel Galán - Andersen Tax & Legal

10:40 Closure
Rafael Ripoll - Honorary Consul of Sweden in Valencia and Castellón

Date: 30 Maj 2017
Time: 09:30
Place: Calle Maria de Molino 39

Free registration. Places are limited. Please confirm attendance to before the 29 of May.

Camara de Comercio Hispano Sueca TransparenteLogo belgienOlleros Abogados Andersen Tax Legal Global
