
De Nordiska Kamrarna (Danmark, Finland, Island, Norge och Sverige) inviger sina nya temadagar "Nordic Talks", med att bjuda in den internationella mediakoncernen Schibsted Media Group. Temat för seminariet är "Den skandinaviska ledarskapsstilen och dess konkurrensfördelar". 

Datum: Måndag den 11 maj
Tid: 13.30
Plats: Hotel Westin Palace Madrid, Plaza de las Cortes 7, 28014 Madrid

13.15 Mottagning
13.30 Aperitif
14.00 Nordic Talk med Frode Nordseth och lunch.
14.30 Efter lunchen kommer talaren att svara på frågor
16.00 Avslutning

Pris: Medlemmar 50 EUR, Icke-medlem 60 EUR (inkl moms). Priset inkluderar 3-rätters lunch inklusive vin.
OBS: Eventet sker på engelska.
Anmälan sker till innan den 7 maj. Begränsat antal platser, avanmälan sker skriftligt och senast en vecka innan eventet.

About Schibsted Media Group
Schibsted Media Group is an international media group with approximately 6,900 employees and operations in 31 countries. Schibsted’s online operations engage more than 200 million people. Schibsted’s strategy comprises two main objectives: building world class digital media houses and establishing popular online classifieds services. Several of our media houses are among Europe’s leading online newspapers and pioneers in the fields of web TV, mobile and paid online services. In recent years we have been systematically expanding our online classifieds business, both through acquisitions and organic growth. The online classifieds segment is a long-standing and important part of our business model. Our popular services fulfills our mission of “Empowering people in their daily life”. For more information about Schibsted Media Group, please visit

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