
De senaste 10 åren har telekommunikationssektorn utvecklats i stor utrstäckning, och likaså BlueTC som genomgått flera förändringar. Företaget har bland annat skapat värde för våra kunder genom utveckling av egna tjänster och lösningar, och har idag en internationell struktur som gör att vi kan leverera tjänster globalt. Vi vill tacka alla våra kunder, strategiska, tekniska och kommerciella partners, och särskilt våra anställda och deras familjer för att ha delat resan med BlueTC under dessa år, och vi ser fram emot tio nya, spännande år!

Nedan kan du läsa hela pressmeddelandet på engelska. 


A Decade Creating Value for the Telecoms Sector

BlueTC has just passed its first 10-year mark in business. It has been an intense decade in which the telecommunications sector has evolved in a vertiginous way and during which our company has remained faithful to its mission: Generate value for its customers within new technology areas and via the development of a specialised offering. In parallel, we have created an operational structure that enables us to deliver services globally.

Our focus on telecommunications has turned us into an innovative company. In these past ten years a single day has not passed in which we have not worked on maturing and completing our portfolio of services and solutions. This portfolio has been created specifically to cater for the needs and challenges of the highly dynamic telecommunications sector.

Thanks to our continuous efforts, today we are proud of the fact that we can offer this distinctive value proposition that enables our customers to evolve and optimise their mobile networks, by covering strategic areas like network analytics, active and passive monitoring, and security audits.

The second important challenge that we have faced is the internationalisation of our activities, as could not have been otherwise, as today most markets are globalised. Also, it is important to keep in mind that the telecommunications sector has to deal with similar challenges and issues in almost all countries, despite their level of maturity. This has led to the globalisation trend turning into a great opportunity for BlueTC, as there are many similarities and synergies to be found in different markets, - something we have taken advantage - of as well as having learnt from the most demanding customers.

This way, we have been able to equip our company with a lean but efficient structure that is able to market and deliver services with a global reach. Currently we have our own offices in Madrid, Stockholm and London, and we are backed by an international partner network that enables us to serve the rest of the European countries and Latin America. During the coming decade we plan to continue with our international expansion, with the development of markets like the North American as our next target.

At BlueTC we will commence this next ten year period with the same enthusiasm and with even more optimism than when the company was first created. We are ten years older but also wiser. We are very aware of the important challenges that await the whole sector, challenges that are closely related to the main tendencies in the industry: Cloud Computing, Big Data, virtualised networks, IoT and the development of the next generation of mobile networks... In any case, I am confident that it will be a passionate future in which you will find us working and making an effort to anticipate the changes that are coming, whatever these are.

A sincere thank you to our customers, strategic, technological and commercial partners and in particular to our employees and collaborators and their families, for accompanying us during these first ten years.

Imagen MAGM fondo azul

Miguel Ángel García Matatoros

