
Data är idag den mest värdefulla tillgången för alla olika former av organisationer, dock har företag inte alltid haft möjligheten att dra nytta av dess värde. Detta har ändrats i samband med Big Data Analytics, som under de senaste åren blivit en makrotrend, som idag möjliggör prisvärda alternativ för lagring och hantering av stora volymer data för företag i realtid.

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Data is one of the most valuable assets of any organisation. The possibility to extract its full value has not always existed, though. However, this situation has changed with the power of Big Data Analytics that permits the storage and processing of giant volumes of data in real time and at an affordable price.

From our telecommunications perspective we have been noting a growing interest in Big Data Analytics projects applied to network data, often in real time, and historical system information. Such projects may provide multiple benefits to network operators: greater efficiency, reduction of operation costs, improvement in the quality of service... But before initiating any Big Data Analytics project, we believe there are certain aspects that should be considered, for example, what type of skills and expertise is required, the time needed and the economic aspect.

Our Recommendations
We recommend closely defining the objectives of any project and justifying it from a business point of view. It is important to know what data is available and its nature, the skill sets of the professionals who are going to participate in the project, which are the most suitable analytics tools, etc. Once the objectives are fixed and these factors have been evaluated, it is advisable to first start with a couple of small projects, the ones that seem most promising and also with manageable dimensions. BlueTC proposes this approach due to its obvious benefits: partial results may be achieved very quickly and with only limited resources. In short, a foundation is laid on which to continue working and improving, it allows the organisation to develop specific competencies, it is motivating for the teams and it allows bringing concrete results to management.

Operator Use Cases
Our experience has shown that for network operators there are three use cases for which Big Data Analytics projects are most often legitimised:

  • Prediction of network events, root cause analysis and automatic resolution of these
  • Predictive network planning and optimisation
  • End-to-end monitoring of quality

The above use cases, of course tailored to the operator’s specific environment, enable monitoring the quality of service offered to customers, the anticipation of events and network optimisation. Thus, the operator enhances the value of its services, which in itself justifies investing in Big Data Analytics.

Josep María Balaguer

Sales Director
Blue Telecom Consulting
