DevOps Paradigm Pablo García Corzo Octubre 2016 v3

Python como catalizador del paradigma DevOps

På Blue Telecom Consulting (BlueTC®) vill vi hävda att DevOps filosofin ger stora fördelar för våra kunder, av erfarenhet kan vi dock konstatera att det finns svårigheter med att byta ut ett företags metodologi, särkskilt inom telekomsektorn.

Pablo Manuel García, Solutions Architect på BlueTC, skriver i ett blogginlägg om DevOps:

"The DevOps paradigm is really cool. Everyone wants to deploy their environments with Puppet on top of OpenStack. It brings reproducibility and scalability at a tremendous speed. This is simply awesome and undoubtedly the way to go forward.

Almost nobody will discuss the benefits of adopting a standard DevOps paradigm, but this implies a major shift in mindset for most companies, especially Telcos, which have a high moment of inertia. In this article we will describe a success story based on our experience with customers."

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"Python and Object Oriented Configuration Management: On how to gently succeed in the adoption of DevOps paradigm for Telecom players"


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