Keep in mind the following two aspects when adapting your business’s web content to attract more customers and revenue:

Have you noticed that the internet has changed the way you communicate with your prospects?

1.Your target audience’s language

Swedish does not follow the same rules as the Spanish language. And vice versa.

The culture is different. It has its own unique customs and points of reference – and so does the language. There are words that are used to refer to different realities, terms lacking equivalents that will need to be explained in some way, and even non-existent concepts that will have to be replaced. The method and style of communicating can be more or less direct or abstract as well.

Your communications will have to adapt all its nuances to the new market you are targeting.

You need a creative translation in these cases. Sometimes this will entail changing a sentence entirely so that it conveys the same impact in the new language.

If you want to attract your audience’s heart, it is a good idea to work closely with a professional translator that knows how to infuse the same style into your message in the target market.

2. The language of the web
Writing rules and norms vary between the offline and online world – just like how your contracts are not the same as your marketing material.

We search for quick and immediate stimuli on the internet. We want to immediately understand what we can do to solve our problem or fulfill our need.

That is why we cannot simply write for the web as we do for a magazine, a brochure or a dossier.

You have surely visited a website in search of a solution or a product to purchase.

If you left the page without finding what you were looking for, it is likely that the texts did not succeed in staking out a clear enough path towards your objective for you to get what you wanted and needed.

If you truly want to reach your audience online, you need to work with an expert in persuasive writing – a web copywriter.

This professional will optimize your translated content for the web: product and sales pages, landing pages, contact and services pages, blog posts, and more.

Translator + web copywriter: the dream team for your corporate communications

Although you could contract these two services separately, the best way to make sure your texts truly sing is to hire a translator + copywriter team.

The synergy of translator + copywriter will make your marketing texts on the web engage in a dialogue with your audience. This will give you more visits and sales through your website.

How would you like to make words your ultimate ally in your business?

 Noelia Garasievich. Traductora especializada en textos creativos y de marketing.
Irene Rodrigo. Copywriter y experta en comunicación estratégica.

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